Monday, March 14, 2011

A thrifting we did go

So, on the hunt for new button-up shirts me and Bennifer headed down to the local Sally Ann's. And proceeded to find a heaping ton of awesomesauce.

There's a bunch more sweetness we found but I'm too lazy to upload all of them. Suffice it to say that weekly thriftings may be in order now.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Feeling Oddly Motivated

At 2:53 AM.

So, against my better judgment, I decided to finally put out an ad on Craigslist for a guitarist and drummer. I can only hope that I get a decent response, though I'm thinking about setting up a drinking game to see how many responses are fucking trolls.

Oh, and we got bored during band practice and took some new pictures. And Ben played dress up, lol.

Saturday, March 5, 2011


After reading a friend's review on TS I looked them up and promptly fell in love with them. Floaty, ethereal, ambient and always with this undercurrent of sadness, their stuff is absolutely beautiful. The third song I heard by them, "All of Us", had me in tears within the first few seconds. Definitely look into them, they're good stuff.

Also, after seeing this video I'd really like to find this movie "Stalker".

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

New Paintings

A combination of boredom and not having any canvas led me to try messing around with watercolors again for the first time in a few years.

Done a few weeks ago, this one's oil and it's a portrait of the lovely Gutterface himself.