Monday, February 21, 2011


I was sick as fuck and subsequently spent the entire day, in bed, with my best friend watching the Food Network.
It inspired us to make the most amazing cheeseburgers ever.
I wish I had pictures because they were uglier than sin, too. I've dubbed them Frankenburgers.

It's basically two seasoned patties stuck together with a chunk of cheese and bacon in the middle. And the patties have chipolte, jalapenos and Adobo sauce in them.
It was a coronary-inducing masterpiece.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

A Week Full of Fuck

I've been in the hospital 3 times this week, twice seeing a close friend of mine and most recently with my girlfriend. I'm STILL tired, even after sleeping for 12 hours.

Worst of all I'm out of cigarettes again, don't want to bother Frank for oxys or something, and I'm float broke so drinking out out of the option.

A week full of motherfuck.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Here's some random paintings

None of these are for sale, but I've got a bunch that are.
Hit it up.

Take 2 on this blogging shit.

Figured I'd make another one since I've got nothing better to do. Expect it to look like trash, kids. This guy is computer retarded, more or less.

If I stay up-to-date-ish on this thing, expect a lot of pointless updates, random commentary, bits of writing and the occasional picture.